Today’s SYS Challenge: Join me for a live chat! #socialtranslator
Come Blab With Me
On Friday, I’m going to attempt my first live chat on video streaming platform, Blab.im. I’d love if you could join me. (Details below)
There’ll be no presentation, just a casual, informal chat.
Assuming all goes well and we do, in fact, go live (!), I’d love to hear from you: How are you going on social media? What’s working for you? What’s not? What are your plans for the weekend??
So grab a cuppa, get your earphones plugged in and your webcam* face on, and let’s figure out Blab together!
(*optional – both the webcam AND the webcam-ready face :))
Friday 9th October
3am PST / 6am EDT / 10am UTC / 11am BST / 12pm CEST / 6pm AWST / 8pm AEST / 9pm AEDT / 11pm NZDT
I’ll probably hang out for about 20 – 30 mins. I plan to make the recording available for 24 hours afterwards.
To join us click this link, either now or approaching the scheduled time.
If you click through before the Blab is due to begin (go on, give it a try now!), you’ll be able to subscribe to the event and get a notification when it’s about to start.
A bit about Blab.im
You can download the iPhone app or log in online at Blab.im, either on your PC or via Chrome on your Android smartphone.
You’ll need a Twitter account to sign in, or I believe you can lurk anonymously without a Twitter account. (But don’t do that. We’d miss you!)
Hope to see you there!
Further Reading
- Nothing at all! Blab was designed to have a super low barrier to entry. So why not just dive straight in?!
- The Ultimate Guide to Blab by Jocelyn Gonzalez on Marc Levy’s blog.
A Social Media Challenge!
Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to do one thing each day in October that will have an impact on your social presence in the longer term.
Each weekday in October, I’m going to suggest a task to work on for whatever pocket of time you can carve out that day. You can choose to follow my suggestion, adjust it to suit your circumstances, or come up with an alternative – whatever makes most sense for you. Or just dip in and out as it suits.
Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, or here on the blog. Let me know how you’re getting on by using the hashtag #socialtranslator (so I can find you!). If you find it helpful, please give me a thumbs up, a like or a share – that’s how I’ll know you’re finding it useful, and it’ll help other translators join in too.