Hello to translators and interpreters surfing by following my recent Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) webinar. I intend to blog about this in more detail later this week, but until then, here are some resources you might find useful:
- A series of short videos introducing Twitter.
- Some 5 minute videos on how I use LinkedIn, WordPress, and Google Reader for professional purposes.
- A half-hour* presentation on social media for translators, which takes a more hands-on approach than my presentation today as it covers how to use Tweetdeck (co-presented with Philippa Hammond – check out her blog for a great guest post on search engine marketing too).
- If you still think Twitter is just noise, then read about how one translator used it to track what she was learning at a conference.
- Here’s some more thoughts on how I fit all these tools together as part of the bigger picture of my professional practice.
- Finally, a write-up on using Skype for business purposes.
Thanks again to everyone for tuning in and for their questions. I plan to pull together a summary of some to the key issues raised as part of my write-up, but in the meantime, feel free to post your questions in the comment section below. I’m not promising I know the answer but I’ll certainly be able to point you in the right direction.
* 14 October: correction – it’s a half-hour presentation, not a one-hour one… Thanks Kimmo.