Following on from a previous post, check out an exchange I had with my other half (OH) recently:
Me: Just because I don’t commute doesn’t mean I have more free time than you – I’m busy trying to establish my own business!!
OH: Give over, you’re not running a business, you’re freelance!
Hmmm… so what am I? I’m clearly self employed, that bit’s fine. And up until now I’d always thought of myself as a small business owner, mostly because I like how it sounds, but also because I carry out many of the day-to-day tasks required by businesses of all sizes. But at what point does a freelancer actually run their own business? Does being freelance overlap 100% with being a business owner? What about say, a freelance IT specialist who accepts a 6 month contract working inhouse, and engages a third party to carry out all their billing and other “business” tasks? Are they business owners too??