- Image by Matt Brett via Flickr (NB: NOT my workspace)
You know it’s time to do some tidying in your home office when the towers of books and papers are high enough to topple over and possibly smother a small child.
My first stop for a motivation kick in this area is the Lifehacker Coolest Workspace Contest, where readers are invited to submit pictures of specific aspects of their home-integrated workspaces, for example their monitor set-up, walls, how they make best use of space, etc. The winner is by popular vote – in other words, never my favourite – but the quality of entries overall is usually high enough to glean some good ideas.
If you think you can do better, Lifehacker have a show and tell pool of workspaces on Flickr, with over 500 images at the time of posting. And if you think you’d never be able to reduce your working tools to that degree, I can personally attest to the fact that Jed Schmidt’s tips on abstracting away the physical infrastructure of a translator’s office is both realistic and achievable.
Of course, sometimes it’s hard to feel any spark of motivation around the nagging thought that you should be more organised. This is when Jennifer Hofmann’s approach will calm your nerves and soothe your soul…
So who’s prepared to share their image of a professional translator’s home office*?!
* Sorry, “home office” snaps featuring beaches, swimming pools, cocktails or any kind of weather requiring sunglasses don’t count. Why? Because we can all play that game 😉