I had a reaction to Rowan Manahan’s carefully crafted cop-out against the under 30s, but I don’t think it was the kind of reaction he was aiming for.
The following thoughts popped into my head as I scanned his post:
1. I can see straight through him. He’s doing that whole traffic-baiting thing, bandying about a bunch of tattered old clichés in an attempt to provoke reactions.
OK. If that’s what he wants that’s fine – I’m sure there are plenty out there who’ll oblige.
To be honest, this kind of stuff barely registers a blip on my radar. Much like daytime tv, trashy novels and the American Pie movies, I’m interested enough to want to know what’s going on but I can see it for the car-crash entertainment that it is.
2. He’s blatantly copped out – it’s obvious he’s not given the issue any serious thought.
He starts with the stance “these are the points that someone else has made”, then goes on to use his own rather random personal anecdotes to back them up. Only then does he pretend to offer his own opinion – he’s sad to admit it, of course, but in his considerable experience, there may be just a few grains of truth to the fact that the younger generations are getting dumber. Cue downcast eyes, slow-mo headshake, woebegone frown. You know the score.
I’m mildly surprised.
I usually like Rowan’s writing, even when I don’t agree with him. But if I may be so bold – illiterate, alliterate, deluded, cut-off-from-the-world twenty-something that I am – I’m going to take the time to express myself this balmy Saturday night:
Rowan, you can do better than this.
You say your degree gave you the ability to quickly assimilate and critically evaluate information. So where’s the critical analysis? And why on earth are you aligning yourself with a squeaky wheel, just another self-nominated Jerry Springer of social commentary?
You’re clearly spending too much time with the wrong kind of people, both above and below the magic 30-year mark. Let me know next time you’re in Brisbane and I’ll arrange some suitable introductions. Curmudgeonry allowed, but only if you promise to leave the willful ignorance at home
[…] There’s dumb and then there’s dumber – my response to a Gen Y critic […]